Halfmoon - Five Ways to Renew Your Yoga Vows this Fall

five ways to renew your yoga vows this fall

Emily Sproule | Aug 30, 2016 | minute read

Is there any season that brings up more mixed emotions than fall? It means the end of beach days, camping and BBQs, but it’s also a chance to get back into a routine, which allows for it’s own kind of happiness.

I like to think of fall as an opportunity to start again. Let’s face it—routines go out the window in summer, as they should! Summer is a chance to unwind and go with the flow. But, as the cooler weather sets in, fall gives us a fresh chance to set new intentions and return to healthy, nourishing habits.

If you spent more time playing in the sun than sun saluting this summer, follow these five tips to refresh and renew your yoga vows this fall.

1. Set an intention.

Fall marks new beginnings. Whether it’s a new school year, back to work after vacation, or a return to everyday life after summer, new beginnings are the perfect time to set intentions and get clear on your goals. Maybe you want to practice being more present in class, work on your inversions, or take some workshops. Anything that inspires you and re-ignites your passion is perfect.

2. Commit to a schedule.

Momentum has a lot to do with our motivation to exercise. Do you ever notice how inspired you are to practice when you have a regular yoga or exercise routine? If you find yourself less than willing to get back on the mat, set and commit to a schedule that works for you. It might take an extra push to get you to those first few classes, but after that you’ll be back into the flow.

3. Check out new classes.

A great way to motivate yourself and get back into your practice is to mix it up and try something new. Grab a friend and check out that Acro Yoga class you’ve been eyeing, or slow things down with Yin. Remember, routine isn’t synonymous with boring. Mixing up your go-to yoga practice will bring in a rush of motivation.

4. Join an online yoga site.

While practicing in a studio is wonderful, it’s not always convenient. Location, time, and cost can all be prohibiting factors. If any of these are the case for you, consider checking out an online yoga site. These sites allow you to stream classes on your computer, so you can do yoga anytime, anywhere. There are a lot of great ones to choose from including Namaste TV, YogaGlo, and Yoga Anytime. For free yoga classes check out Do Yoga With Me.

5. Go on a yoga retreat.

The end of summer doesn’t have to mean the end of vacation. To jump-start your yoga practice, book a yoga retreat or teacher training. Setting time aside for your practice and hanging out with like-minded yogis is an amazing way to reconnect to yoga and yourself.

Getting back into a routine after summer can take a bit of time. Remember to approach this change with patience and self-love. If you’ve taken some time off, you may notice that you are not as flexible or strong as you were before. Don’t sweat it. That’s why we call it a practice! Refocus, recommit, and you’ll find yourself back in the groove in no time.

Kate-Horodyski-photoKate Horodyski

Kate is a freelance writer, a wellness blogger, and she has trained as a yoga teacher and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner. You can find her online at www.myspiritualroadtrip.com and on Instagram @myspiritualroadtrip.

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