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how to kick up to handstand with a bolster
Ask Toronto yoga teacher Donna Wilding what her favorite yoga pose is and she will answer with Hands ...read more -
how to use a yoga blanket
Tim Cyr stopped by the b, halfmoon office to share with us why he loves using b, halfmoon Blankets ...read more -
how to do shoulderstand safely
If you are just starting to work with height under your shoulders in shoulderstand, get ready to re- ...read more -
shoulderstand: get a lift
Shoulderstand, Salamba Sarvangasana, has been called “the mother of all poses.” ...read more -
how to break in your yoga mat
It’s a little known fact that most mats have a breaking in period before they become your perfect yo ...read more -
feeling full? yoga to the rescue
The ecstasy of the holiday meal is fused with the agony of an overfull stomach. Where was all your y ...read more -
how to do crow pose in five simple steps
A special guest post from Toronto-based yogini Donna Wilding. ...read more -
ease your back pain, get more relaxed
Here’s a relaxing way to elongate and straighten your spine and side body. ...read more -
how to do supported pigeon
Here’s a quick and straightforward tutorial on how to ease into the Supported Pigeon pose with the ...read more -
how to master upward bow pose
If you spend a good deal of your time working in front of a computer or slouched at an office chair ...read more -
unlock your tension. use a block.
Have you ever fallen asleep in corpse pose (Savasana)? If you have, it’s not a bad thing, it just m ...read more -
how to perfect your warrior pose
One of the most common problems with perfecting the Warrior Pose is getting the right angle on the ...read more
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