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what’s a yoga bolster and how do i use it?
It’s not unusual for to hear the question: “What the heck is a bolster?” ...read more -
your building block for balance
When striving for your ideal yoga posture, it’s easy to lose the little details. Yet it’s those ver ...read more -
the chip foam block is a wonder prop
If you use chip foam blocks in Prasarita Padottanasana (wide legged forward bend), you can place yo ...read more -
why use a meditation bench?
Do you find meditating cross-legged uncomfortable? If so, a meditation bench may be the perfect add ...read more -
how to improve your meditation posture
It’s very common for meditators to sit in ways that are unhealthy for their backs. Sitting in medit ...read more -
how to meditate comfortably, longer
How do you sit in meditation? Is it comfortable or is it causing you aches and pains? Maybe you’re ...read more -
sitting meditation – two questions to max out your comfort
Do you experience discomfort in cross-legged meditation? The more comfortable you are, the more phy ...read more -
transform your down dog with a prop
Just because it’s one of the most routine yoga poses doesn’t make it any easier to do properly. As w ...read more -
what is a zafu and why do i need one?
No, a Zafu is not a rare African animal, nor is it the sound of a sneeze in an exotic foreign langu ...read more -
9 reasons you need a bolster in your life
Bolsters are so useful. Here is a list of 9 compelling ways they will improve the quality of your ...read more -
how to lift your mood with yoga
So, here I am, off my game. My get up and go got up and went, as one of my favourite bumper sticker ...read more -
how to use a yoga strap
I always pack a yoga strap when I travel. It’s small and light, there are an infinite number of ways ...read more
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