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the chip foam block is a wonder prop
If you use chip foam blocks in Prasarita Padottanasana (wide legged forward bend), you can place yo ...read more -
yoga during your period
Are there poses that your body is instinctively telling you not to do at a certain time? Here are s ...read more -
transform your down dog with a prop
Just because it’s one of the most routine yoga poses doesn’t make it any easier to do properly. As w ...read more -
three huge reasons men should practice yoga
For a lot of men there’s a real mental block about yoga. Here are three of many huge rewards men re ...read more -
from air to air: learning to breathe
Learning to breathe deeply and steadily on your mat can transfer to other situations in life. About ...read more -
how to lift your mood with yoga
So, here I am, off my game. My get up and go got up and went, as one of my favourite bumper sticker ...read more -
joy-a-toes: a his and hers account
The first time I noticed my yoga teacher wearing Joy-a-Toes, I thought she just had a pedicure en r ...read more -
new approach to your yoga routine
Time to jump-start your yoga routine? The root of this intention can vary widely, but a common thre ...read more
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