You’ve been on the road for hours. You’ve indulged in chocolate, chips and other snacky treats and you feel bloated. You step out of your car. Your legs go to jelly and your body feels stiff. It doesn’t matter if you travel by train, plane or automobile, this is how vacations often start.
We have the cure.
Traveling and yoga — it’s the ultimate combination. Airports, like the Vancouver International Airport, are setting aside dedicated spaces for yoga because yoga makes their passengers happier and healthier. Whether you are in an airport, at a scenic road stop or have already made it to your destination, this series of poses will help bring your body and mind into balance so you can relax and focus on enjoying your time away.
1. Cat/Cow
The spinal extension and flexion of cat/cow is a great way to warm up the spine and gently encourage movement of the vertebrae. This asana will help to awaken the body after long periods of stillness. Move slowly and pause in places that feel like they need extra attention.
2. Downward Dog
Downward dog is a strong symmetrical pose that stretches out the back body from the calves to the outer edges of the arms. It is also known for bringing the body back into symmetrical alignment. Keep your fingers wide, and your hands active to maintain healthy wrists.
3. Crescent Lunge With A Quad Stretch
This pose helps to stretch and release hip flexors and quadriceps, muscles that love to get tight when we sit for long periods of time. Set your back knee on a folded blanket, towel or piece of clothing and lift your arms up to the sky. If you’re feeling good here, bend your back knee and grab ahold of your back foot. Breathe. Step back to downward dog and switch sides.
4. Seated Twist - Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose
We don’t often eat the same way on our vacation as we do at home. Twists are thought to aid in digestion and are also great for wringing out the spine. Sit up tall, reach your left hand into the air and turn to your right. Each time you inhale sit up taller. Each time you exhale twist a little more. When you’re ready, slowly unwind and switch sides.
5. Child’s Pose
Soothe your nervous system and breathe. Child’s pose is a great pose to access when life feels rushed and you need a moment to get back to slow rhythmic breathing. Think about extending your exhales and allow any stress that has come up during your trip to melt away.
6. Savasana
The healing pose of all healing poses. Savasana rejuvenates the body and mind so you can feel refreshed and have fun on your holiday. Start by getting comfortable lying down. If your low back is feeling sensitive roll up a blanket or towel and place it behind your knees. Set a timer for five to ten minutes. Close your eyes. Let the details of your past and future activities melt away. This is your time.