Stress and Health
Let’s face it, we all have to deal with stress. Stress can be triggered by events like financial troubles or being stuck in traffic, or a tight deadline at work. Many of us deal with stress by reaching for “quick fixes” such as smoking, drinking, or eating that become to health problems down the road. Over time, stress creates strain on our body, which can cause many health issues which ultimately lead to premature aging, disease, and illness (Iyengar,2001)
How a bolster can help you de-stress
Learning how to deal with stress properly is the key to a healthy life. Spending 10 minutes a day on a bolster will help you unwind from your day, and increase your quality of life by calming your nervous system and bringing your body back into balance (Iyengar, 2001)
1) Downward facing hero posture (child’s pose):
Spend 5 minutes in this restful pose as it calms the mind, reduces stress, and soothes the eyes and nervous system.
Sit on your heels with your knees slightly wider than your hips. Place a bolsters in between your knees with one end tucked in close to your body. Exhale and stretch your torso foreword onto the bolster. Drape your arms off on either side of the bolster. Note: If it is uncomfortable to sit on your heels place a blanket between your sitting bones and heels. Breathe and relax for 5 minutes
2) Savasana with chest opening
Unwind for 5 minutes in this classic pose. Savasana is known for bringing energy back into the body, reducing stress and calming the mind.
Recline onto the bolster on vertebrae at a time until you are fully reclined. Breathe deeply and enjoy the feeling of the bolster gently opening your chest and expanding your ribcage for deeper breathing. Note: if you find that the curve in your low back is too much, try placing a blanket or a chip foam block under your sacrum.
For those of you who do not have a bolster, you can use a standard pillow folded in half in place of a bolster.
If you have had a rough day, or are just looking to unwind, spend some time on a bolster to calm your body and mind.