As a Vinyasa yoga teacher, I’ve seen firsthand how a well-placed prop can completely change a posture, not to mention an entire practice. In both my personal asana practice and my teaching practice, I use props daily. Whether it’s a block placed under the hips or a bolster snuggled under the chest, a little support can go a long way.
These tools are not just for beginners; props can enhance and deepen the experience for yogis of all levels. In this guide, I’ll share the essential yoga props I use and recommend, along with a few tips on how to use them effectively.
Yoga Mat
Why You Need It: The foundation of your practice, a good yoga mat provides stability, cushioning, and grip. It’s essential for maintaining balance and comfort during poses.
Choosing the Right Mat: A good yoga mat should offer a balance of stability, comfort, and durability to support your practice journey. Look for mats like the b, mat with excellent grip to prevent slipping during your practice, especially in dynamic or heated classes.
Consider the thickness and density of the mat to provide adequate cushioning for your joints without compromising stability in balancing poses. If you’re always on the go and love practicing outdoors, I recommend the super-portable b, mat traveller. If you prefer a thicker mat for more comfort on your knees and joints, opt for the b, mat strong. My personal go-to for the perfect balance is the b, mat everyday.
Learn more: What is the best thickness for a yoga mat?
Maintenance Tips: Clean your mat regularly with a gentle yoga mat cleanser and store it in a cool, dry place. I recommend opting for a non-toxic, natural cleaner (like b, halfmoon’s mat cleanser). The biodegradable formula has a light and refreshing scent, ensuring that your mat stays clean, grippy and durable.
Shop the mat that changed my practice.
Yoga Blocks
Why You Need Them: Yoga blocks are probably my most frequently used prop. They help with balance, support, and alignment, making many poses more accessible.
Choosing Blocks: Personally, I opt for cork blocks in my practice because I love their durability and eco-friendliness. However, they do run a bit on the firm side, so if you’re looking for a softer option for a more restorative practice, I’d suggest foam blocks.
Common Poses: Place a block underneath your hand in Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) to reach the floor, or under your hips in Sukhasana (Cross-legged seat) for support.
Modifications: Working with yoga blocks means you always have three different height settings to choose from. Adjust the height of the block to suit your flexibility and comfort level.
Essential Oils
Why You Need Them: Essential oils are a great way to indulge in self-care alongside your yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices.
Choosing Oils: I love using roll-on essential oils for the easiest application.
Application Tips: Roll a few drops of essential oil onto your wrists and rub together before practice or diffuse your favourite scent in your yoga space for a calming atmosphere.
Benefits: Essential oils each have their own unique benefits. For example lavender is perfect for relaxation, peppermint can enhance focus, and eucalyptus can help with energy and respiratory support. Learn more about the benefits of essential oils
Yoga Straps
Why You Need Them: Yoga straps can be very beneficial to access postures that may otherwise not have been available. A strap can serve as an extension of your reach, making things like reaching your feet more realistic without requiring as much flexibility.
Choosing Straps: I love practicing with a buckled stretch strap so I can create a loop or leave it loose, depending on the posture I’m using it for. Quick-release straps are also great for an even quicker set-up as they snap right into place.
Key Poses: Try using a strap in Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) to reach your feet, or in Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) to bind hands behind your back and unlock a deep shoulder opener.
Yoga Bolsters
Why You Need Them: Bolsters provide support in restorative and yin yoga, helping you relax deeply and hold postures more comfortably for longer.
Try out the best functional movement exercises using a bolster
Choosing a Bolster: Bolsters come in a diverse range of shapes and sizes (restorative, rectangular etc.) each serving a specific purpose. I always choose bolsters with washable covers, at home or in the studio to keep it hygienic.
Learn more: How to choose a yoga bolster
Restorative Poses: I love using a bolster in Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero pose) to open the chest, or in Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall) for relaxation. I also see a lot of students who love to place a bolster under their knees in Savasana (Corpse Pose) for added lower back support.
Whether you’re new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, yoga props can help you explore poses more safely and effectively while helping you find comfort and stability in a wide variety of asanas. Check out b, halfmoon’s full range of yoga props to support your journey.
Happy practicing!