Halfmoon - How to Kick Up To Handstand With A Bolster

how to kick up to handstand with a bolster

Emily Sproule | May 02, 2013 | minute read

Ask Toronto yoga teacher Donna Wilding what her favorite yoga pose is and she will answer with Handstand. For Donna Handstand, Adho Mukha Vrksasana, “offers new challenges and rediscovery every time it’s practiced“.

Kick Up To Handstand With A Bolster

Donna hosts various inversion and handstand workshops in Toronto and the GTA where she shares the tip that has helped so many newbies kick up. Place a Rectangular Bolster against the wall before you rise up in to handstand!

Many of the students in Donna’s workshops feel more comfortable and have more confidence with a bolster between them and the wall when practicing their handstand.

For more arm balancing poses with props from Donna, check out:
Fly Your Bakasana To The Side

Screen-shot-2013-05-01-at-6.21.49-PMDonna Wilding

Donna Wilding is a teacher and student of yoga for 10+ years, and a student of life for 32. She’s happy to say she survives in the city of Toronto by sharing her passion for Yoga and Reiki. You can find her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

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